Sunday 6 December 2009

Zygor's World Of Warcraft Guides - A Review

Hi, my name is Rob and I am going to give you an honest review on the best leveling guide I have ever tried for wow. It is called Zygor's Leveling Guide and you can check it out by CLICKING HERE!

This guide is for you if you want to
If you have been playing wow for a while the leveling up just gets boring, the fun parts are at 80! It can take months and months to get up to 80 and that is just a waste of time. You get to 80 and no one wants to raid with you because you have bad gear. It is just simply frustrating, and believe me I know how you feel.

I use zygor guides which speed levels you to 80 and it is completely legal!

It guides you every step of the way by skipping out boring and worthless quests which waste your time and there are plenty of them in game!

It is not just a simply e-book you need to refer to for every quest!

It is a build in add on that points you in the direction of every single quest, telling you exactly how many mobs to kill and where to go next. It is one of a kind, best in the business add on.

Including with the add on are $100 worth of bonuses
  • Free Lifetime 1-80 In-Game Leveling Guide Updates
  • In-Game Dual Spec Talent Build Guides
  • Nether Drake Mount Guide Bonus
  • Death Knight Class Guide Bonus
  • Inscription Profession Leveling Guide Bonus
  • Auctioneer Appraiser Guide
  • Food and Drink Stats Guide
I fully recommend this for any wow player bored of the boring grind to 80!